17th National Wound Care Conference Programme


8:15 AM - 8:55 AM


8:55 AM - 9:00 AM

Introduction by chair

9:00 AM - 9:35 AM

Overview of the NWCSP vision for improving data and information – progress to date

Ann Jacklin, Associate Director , National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP)

In this session Ann will outline the strategic approach that the NWCSP has taken to data and information.  She will talk about the aim to collect data derived from good clinical record keeping using existing systems, both electronic patient records and wound management digital systems and the need to balance the benefits and burdens associated with data and information.

9:35 AM - 10:00 AM

Improving pressure ulcer data and information using a diagnostic approach to pressure ulcer improvement

Jacqui Fletcher, Clinical Lead Pressure Ulcers NHS England and National Wound Care Strategy Programme, NHS England / National Wound Care Strategy Programme

Pressure ulcers remain in the top 10 harms in the country. In order to improve the care we deliver it is important to understand what we are improving – knowing the baseline we are working from. In order to support the implementation of the Pressure Ulcer Recommendations published in October 2023, we worked with 2 collaborating organisations (an Integrated Provider and an ICB) to better understand how to implement the recommendations identify areas of good practice and challenges and barriers in practice.

10:00 AM - 10:35 AM

Mandating wound care education + Using the NWCSP Workforce Framework to improve knowledge and skills

Andrea McDonald, Divisional Operational Lead Tissue Viability, Lymphoedema and Dermatology, Provide CIC

Kerry Carmichael, Professional Lead for Tissue Viability, CHCP CIC

Andrea has always believed that wound care training should be mandatory for community nurses as a high proportion of a community nurses’ workload is assessing and reviewing patients with wounds. In 2019 sadly in her area there was an IGAS outbreak, and due to capacity within services and then COVID, often wound care training was cancelled. Andrea took the opportunity to make a change and wrote a business case and a presented to senior leaders within her organisation on why wound management training should be mandatory.  Andrea will talk about her journey the highs and the lows of her journey.

10:35 AM - 11:00 AM

Break & exhibition viewing

11:00 AM - 11:35 AM

Paediatric Tissue Viability and wound care – assessment and management, TVN’s are not given adequate training and learn on the job

Rachel Allaway, Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialist, Great Ormond St Hospital for Children

Children are not just mini adults.  Paediatric Tissue Viability is recognised as a specialist area requiring an individualist approach by expert practitioners however this field of expertise is often limited and self taught.

This presentation will look at the differences in skin from neonate to adolescent, discuss challenges faced in Paediatric Tissue Viability and wound care and look at paediatric case studies.

11:35 AM - 12:00 PM

Surgical Wound Complications – how to approach quality improvement

Jacky Edwards, Clinical Lead for Surgical Wound Complications, Lead for Education and Workforce, National Wound Care Strategy

The frequency and complexity of surgical wound complications are often under-estimated but surgical wounds are the most managed wound type (57%).Surgical wound complications are estimated to cost £982.9 million per year. Reducing surgical wound complications could have a significant financial impact on NHS costs. However, we lack accurate information about the scale of the problem. Most surgical wound complications (SWC’s) occur post discharge, but national surgical data collection ends on hospital discharge.

This presentation will therefore look at a range of strategies to try and improve the prevention of SWC’s including educational resources, updating the recommendations, patient resources, improvement in clinical data.

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Lunch & exhibition viewing

1:00 PM - 1:35 PM

Developing a wound care formulary and optimising care utilising clinical evidence

Dr Leanne Atkin, Vascular Nurse Consultant, Mid Yorks NHS Teaching Trust/University of Huddersfield

This session will:
  • Explain the value of implementing a formulary: facilitating the decision-making process and guiding clinicians towards evidence-based and cost-effective practice.
  • Discuss the importance of having an easy-to-use and inclusive formulary translated into clinical pathways to support adoption by end users.
  • Explain the importance of considering the overall costs of patient treatment and the wider health economy, and not just unit costs, when evaluating a product.
  • Determine what are the key factors needed to measure success

1:35 PM - 2:05 PM

Wound healing and nutrition

Sarah Bradbury, Clinical Research Director, Welsh Wound Innovation Centre

Adequate nutrition is an important component of successful wound healing but can often be overlooked when managing chronic wounds. This session will review the role of nutrition within wound healing, the benefits of macro- and micro-nutrients, recommended nutritional management strategies and provide some practical advice for addressing nutritional deficiencies within the information we provide to patients with wounds.

2:05 PM - 2:35 PM

How lower limb wound care became a Greater Manchester ICB Priority in their 5 year plan

Naseer Ahmad BSc MBChB FRCS MD PgD, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Manchester University Foundation Trust

2:35 PM - 3:00 PM

Break & exhibition viewing

3:00 PM - 3:35 PM

Self-management and wound care

Ayesha Marshall, Nurse Consultant Patient Safety & Tissue Viability, South Tyneside and Sunderland

Self-care is about taking responsibility for your own health and having the confidence to use the right service at the right time.
It refers to the collaborative partnership between clinicians and patients to support individuals to manage their wounds themselves. Benefits include greater patient engagement, improved physical health, reduced stress and anxiety, boosts your self-esteem and protects your mental health. The psychological, emotional and social impacts of coping and living with a wound are wide-ranging, including pain, low self-esteem, social isolation, anxiety and depression. It is evident that a change to the model of care provision for people with wounds is needed, and self-care needs to be encouraged and promoted as early in the treatment journey as possible.

3:35 PM - 4:05 PM

Implementing the Lower Limb Recommendations – Achievements and Challenges

Hannah Blake, Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialist , Livewell Southwest

Mike Oliver, Programme Manager, Livewell Southwest

Heather Joslin, , Provide

A comparison between the achievements and challenges of two NWCSP First Tranche Implementation sites, Livewell Southwest and Mid and South Essex.

4:05 PM - 4:10 PM

Close of conference