Mandating wound care education + Using the NWCSP Workforce Framework to improve knowledge and skills

23 February 2024 10:00 - 10:35

Andrea has always believed that wound care training should be mandatory for community nurses as a high proportion of a community nurses’ workload is assessing and reviewing patients with wounds. In 2019 sadly in her area there was an IGAS outbreak, and due to capacity within services and then COVID, often wound care training was cancelled. Andrea took the opportunity to make a change and wrote a business case and a presented to senior leaders within her organisation on why wound management training should be mandatory.  Andrea will talk about her journey the highs and the lows of her journey.

Andrea McDonald, Divisional Operational Lead Tissue Viability, Lymphoedema and Dermatology, Provide CIC

Kerry Carmichael, Professional Lead for Tissue Viability, CHCP CIC